February 26, 2012

a math equation you will actually enjoy

You can be sure to find me frolicking around campus in these duds once spring finally arrives. I'm excited to play with all the fun colors that are hitting the shelves.

blouse + flats+ necklace= awesomeness

top- old navy, flats- topshop. 

The necklace above is wicked expensive, but I couldn't find a picture of the one I had originally hoped to post about. I urge you to get your toosh in your car and head to Target to purchase their version of this necklace. Selling for $10 and in colors that will really make your outfit pop.

February 16, 2012

Lucy Laucht

How have I not stumbled across Lucy Lachet's blog before?
 The way she mix and matches is amazeballs.

February 13, 2012

surrounded by talented people

Meet Karin.
"Just a gypsy soul at heart. with a love for all things that send out love."  

She is one of those ÜBER talented people that make you feel talentless. Raging jealousy aside, she is an amazing friend of mine who loves to make handmade cards. I save everything she makes me and want to steal everything she makes everyone else. I advise you to check out her freshly opened Etsy shop.

Her collection is always changing and will never disappoint. 
You're welcome.

February 7, 2012

Least favorite question

"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" 
                "Taller."  -Mary-Kate Olsen

I think I'm going to start saying this.  #olsenobsession

February 5, 2012

spring shoes

spring shoes

I'm keeping an eye out for things that are...
wedged...flatformed...bowed...minted...and loafered

week one

I envisioned beginning my last semester of college refreshed and motivated. Unfortunately, it seems that six weeks sans school work wasn't enough time to shake off the last semester (aka the semester from hell). I've even tried all the usuals to motivate myself...buying new pens, notebooks, and folders. Nothing has worked thus far... so sorry, school, I need another week or two to wean myself off of coffee dates, movie nights and good books.

February 4, 2012

For the Glamorous Weekend Girl

Try this look out this weekend and I dare you not to fall head over heels in love.

February 3, 2012

Insipiration is Everywhere

{effortless top knots}


{wear an obnoxious bow}

{Jess LC makes me want an iPad simply for this case} 

{color coordinated closets}

 *all images via pinterest

February 2, 2012

Currently Searching For...

I've been searching for a new ring for some time now...it's becoming borderline obsessive. Doesn't it seem like every time you're looking for something it becomes impossible to find? Wouldn't the anchor ring below be the perfect addition for spring/summer?

Hand Candy
Clockwise: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5