October 15, 2013

The Perfect Everyday Bag

Say hello to my new bag, The O.M.G by Lo & Sons. This bag is the ultimate everyday bag. It has a designated pocket for just about any item you could possible need to lug around with you. Yes, that means there is even a SHOE pocket - a shoe pocket!

I've been so unimpressed with the one measly side pocket only handbags I have been using. The inner contents of my bag looked like a heaping mess and much like everything else in life... once it looks like a heaping mess, it becomes an actual heaping mess. My things were disorganized and dysfunctional. It made me feel disorganized and dysfunctional. It's only been a couple of days, but I feel like I leave the house with my sanity slightly more intact and ready to take on the day and that, is worth the price.

October 11, 2013

Weekend Plans

Hooray, hooray! The weekend is almost here. Does anyone have any big plans? I'm hoping to finally replace all of my summer clothes with my fall clothes and organize my room. That's some serious fun for an organizational geek like me... Nate and I are also hoping to make it out to the apple orchard. Last year was kind of a bust, so I'm hoping second time is a charm.